Welcome To Downtown Coral Gables

The Business Improvement District of Coral Gables was incorporated in June 1997 and encompasses 19 blocks of Downtown Coral Gables including Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza. Its mission is to promote commercial vitality for the Downtown through marketing, experiential activities, advertising and advocacy of issues and businesses.

The BID empowers district members with a single, unified voice, speaking collectively to governmental and civic organizations as well as the general public in order to bring prosperity to the District.

Things To Do

β€œGeorge E. Merrick begins planning and building the city of Coral Gables on 3,000 square acres of South Florida land.

— 1922
β€œAlhambra Water Tower is built: A beautiful structure built around a less aesthetically pleasing water tank.

— 1924
β€œThe University of Miami is chartered as residents of Coral Gables felt they needed an educational institution for their quickly growing community.

— 1925
β€œGrand opening of the Biltmore Hotel, with Mediterranean and Spanish-Moorish inspired architecture, resembling the Cathedral of Seville, Spain.

— 1926
β€œOpening of Coral Gables City Hall, one of George Merrick’s last projects.

— 1928
β€œCoral Gables Museum was built as the city’s first police & fire station. In November of 2013, the museum inaugurated its first exhibition after being restored.

— 1939
β€œThe Miracle Theatre opens its doors with the β€œThe Return of October”, a comedy starring Glenn Ford and Terry Moore.

— 1948
β€œBusiness owners unite to form the Miracle Mile Merchants Association and took to rebranding the area to turn it into a high-end shopping destination naming it, β€œMiracle Mile”.

— 1954-1955
β€œThe Florida legislature chose orange juice as the official state drink. Florida produces more than 70% of the United States’ supply of citrus!

— 1967
β€œThe Coral Gables Business Improvement District (BID) is incorporated; empowering the local businesses of the area to bring prosperity to the Downtown of Coral Gables.

— 1997
β€œCoral Gables Art Cinema and the Coral Gables Museum open.

— 2010
β€œGiralda Under the Stars launches and continues for 10 years bringing live music to our community.

— 2011
β€œThe streetscape project is officially complete making Miracle Mile and Giralda Plaza pedestrian friendly destinations!
— April 2018
β€œUmbrella Sky installation floats over Giralda; a huge local hit, attracting millions of tourists and residents.
— July 2018
β€œThe BID celebrates its 25th Anniversary!

— 2022

Downtown Coral Gables

By The Numbers (June, 2022)